The most incredible gift: A letter from PHAME student Fermina Lopez

Young adult woman standing in a yard with grass and a wooden fence. She has dark hair dyed blue and wears glasses and a pink striped scarf.

My name is Fermina Erendira Lopez.  I was born in Stockton, California, but my family moved around a lot.  My dad was a single parent with five kids, so we always lived near family.

We eventually settled down in Tennessee.  I spent most of my teen years and early young adult life there—until I found PHAME online in 2020.

I knew at an early age I would have challenges in life due to my disability.  I was born with a rare genetic disorder, Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CDLS), which causes cognitive and physical development delays.  I didn’t want to allow my disability to stop me from my career goals.  I interned, I held jobs that interested me, and I graduated from my college certificate program in 2020.  My family supported me through it all.

And when I found PHAME, I had to ask my family to move one more time so I could be even more involved. My dad and my sisters gave me the most incredible gift—they said yes. 

Every program I went to before, every opportunity I had before, they had so many rules.  They wanted to hold my hand.  They didn’t like my hair color, they didn’t like the way I was dressing.  At PHAME, I finally found my place—here I can be myself and present myself the way I want to. 

For the first time, I’m being told to dream big.  I had a dream of doing theater—and at PHAME, they don’t care if my hair is pink one day and orange the next, they just want me to bring something to the table in my classes.  In Voice Acting and Video Lab, I’m learning skills I’m passionate about, that fulfill the vision I’ve always had for my career.

Today, I’m asking for your support.

I’ve been thinking about the gift my family gave to me, and about the gifts we give each other in our community.  Your gift to PHAME changes lives, the way my family did for me.  This year, I hope you will consider making a contribution of $100 or more.  Up to $5,000 will be matched before December 31, so you can make an even bigger difference.

I get to be bold at PHAME.  I’ve had big ideas my whole life as I try to advance my career, and PHAME is the first place to really listen to me. 

Which means I can give PHAME a gift of my own—the Culture & Diversity Awareness Committee.

I came up with the idea because I come from a very diverse family, and my dad has always introduced me and my siblings to different cultures.  I have learned that, even though we come from different backgrounds and different parts of the world, that we have many things in common. I believe that understanding different cultures helps us to get along with each other and gives pride in our own culture.

At PHAME, every time I have an idea, they keep on encouraging me to do more—and now I’m officially the PHAME Peer Facilitator for the Committee.  I’m excited to create a friendly environment that includes all of us, sharing information about different cultures and diversity through events, food, performances, group outings and more.

This is my way of supporting my friends with developmental disabilities.  I hope you will join me.

I understand how people with disabilities can sometimes isolate themselves because they do not feel comfortable or accepted. I thought I would be lonely.  I thought my life would be just going to a part-time job and home.

When I found PHAME and got to know the students from my classes, I was so happy that I found a community of my own peers.  Being with them helped me realize that my dreams, my voice, and my talents really could be shared with the world the way I had always wanted.

I can’t overstate how great PHAME is.  How much I have grown.  How much I am embracing me. 

This is what makes PHAME so special—we can truly be ourselves, and that’s a gift.  Please make your contribution today.


Fermina Erendira Lopez
PHAME Student

Anya Roberts